
‘She’s our everything’: Nursery cat goes from stray to beloved member of staff

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All this work being cute is tiring: Possum the cat settles into one of her office beds for a well-earned rest. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

When Possum the cat first showed up at Billabong Garden Complex she was a tiny kitten who was hiding under a bush.

Now, Possum is a much-loved member of the Shepparton nursery team.

“She rules the roost,” staff member Sally Moseley said.

Possum turned up at the complex one night about six or seven years ago – no-one can remember quite how long it has been – sitting under a bush on a rock wall.

Spotted by some of the staff she was fed a can of tuna and left for the night.

“We thought if she’s here in the morning, she’s meant to be ours,” Sally said.

Sure enough, the kitten was still hanging around the next morning.

“She just moved on in,” Sally said.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

She has taken up a position at the nursery ever since – spending her days sleeping in one of two baskets in offices, roaming the garden area, laying in the sun on benches, or checking out what is happening in the propagation area and hot house, where the supported employees are hard at work.

“She just wants to be part of everything,” Sally said.

Louise Campbell was one of the first staff to spot Possum when she arrived.

“She was high on a rock wall, under a bush,” Louise said.

“She was not in good condition.

“I lifted the bush and she came straight up to me.”

Now Louise, along with the other staff, have a special bond with their furry helper.

“When you are watering she jumps up on the benches and follows you,” Louise said.

The catwalk: Possum the cat will often follow staff around as they water the plants. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

Sally said Possum had become a therapy cat for everyone who worked at Billabong Garden Complex.

When she was found, Possum did not have a tail.

She also has a deformity in her spine, that twists her back.

“It doesn’t stop her from running and jumping on things though,” Sally said.

She said having a cat with a disability seemed fitting for Billabong Garden Complex as it is a disability support business.

Possum has become such a regular around the nursery that some customers now come in especially to see her.

“Every single person just loves her,” Sally said.

Colleagues and friends: Possum the cat gets a cuddle from staff member Louise Campbell. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

Possum hasn’t left Billabong Garden Complex since she arrived, sleeping in an office each night and choosing to wander inside or outside during the days.

“We’ve never taken her off the premises. It would upset her,” Sally said.

With the nursery open seven days a week, there is always someone around to give Possum some love.

Even on the odd day when it is closed, like Christmas Day, someone has to go in to water all the plants, so Possum is never left alone all day.

“In that time she spends time with us while we do our jobs, we feed her and have a cuddle,” Sally said.

Possum certainly brings joy to the staff, often making them smile with her antics.

“You find her in the most peculiar places,” Sally said.

This includes finding her asleep in tree pots, with Possum wrapped around the trunk of the tree to fit, Sally said.

Possum is also partial to drinking from the business’ fountains during spring and summer when they are operating, rather than her many water bowls that are dotted around the place.

Garden the place to be: Possum the cat is a favourite among staff and customers at Billabong Garden Complex. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

She also loves the time she spends sleeping in her baskets in one of the two offices.

In winter, the staff have even been known to turn the office heater on just for Possum.

Sally said sometimes Possum would spend all day sleeping in the office if someone was in there working.

“She just loves knowing you’re there,” she said.

“You can work there all day. But if you leave, she will come looking for you.”

For Louise, Possum’s nature is the best thing about her.

“We get quite a few laughs watching her do funny things,” she said.

“She’s lovely.”

Possum loves when adults come to visit her nursery, but she is a bit wary of children and will often disappear when they arrive.

She is also not a fan of dogs who visit the nursery.

“If someone brings in a dog we have to put her in the office. She’s very protective of her zone,” Louise said.

“She’s not afraid of them. She will line them up.”

Besties: Possum the cat is precious to Billabong Garden Complex staff member Sally Moseley. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

She is still a much-loved member of the team though, with staff happy they were able to rescue her and give her a home.

“It feels nice to be able to give her a good life,” Louise said.

“We (the staff) are all animal lovers.

“Possum the cat is special.”

They are sentiments echoed by Sally.

“She’s so precious to all of us,” Sally said.

“She’s our everything.

“She’s definitely the madam of Billabong.”