A $2.1 million boost to road trauma counselling services

Funds available: A renewed agreement between the TAC and Amber Community will give more people affected by road trauma access to counselling. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

The Victorian Government has announced the three-year extension of an existing funding agreement between the Transport Accident Commission and Amber Community.

The renewed agreement will allow for additional counselling staff to address wait times for those impacted by road trauma who have been seeking counselling.

The Amber Community is formerly known as Road Trauma Support Services Victoria and plays a vital role in providing support to those who have been impacted by road trauma.

“Sadly, road trauma has a devastating impact on the Victorian community every year and, while we’re aiming for a day where no-one is seriously injured or killed, we must do everything we can to support people affected now.” Roads and Road Safety Minister Ben Carrol said.

Amber Community was established in 1994 and has received funding from the TAC since 1999.

It advocates for road safety awareness through annual road safety campaigns such as the annual ‘shine a light on road safety’ campaign.

To access road trauma counselling support services, visit