
A day to celebrate all dogs

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Celebration: Anita Crestani sent in this photo of Bentley Dexter, 3, and brother Fletcher Murphy, 1, at their joint birthday party. Photo by Contributed

Most dogs probably feel they should be celebrated every day by their owners.

However, they do have one day where they are recognised throughout the world for the love they bring to the lives of their families.

International Dog Day was celebrated last Friday, August 26.

The News asked readers to send in photos of their dogs to celebrate the day, and boy did they deliver, with hundreds of photos posted to our Facebook page.

Here is just a small selection to help celebrate the day made especially for dogs.

Hungry: Chelsea Nicholson’s ‘labra-hoova’ Dyson telling his owners they are three seconds late with his dinner. Photo by Contributed
Chewy: Simone Hilschansky’s dog Bandit just chilling out waiting for his sister to come inside. Photo by Contributed
Great company: Kerrie Priestley’s eight-year-old Siberian husky Blaze is still very playful. Photo by Contributed
Family time: Lisa Woodward’s dog Eddie loves chilling with the family. Photo by Contributed
Keeping warm: Jasper loves sharing owner Averil Coe’s heated throw. Photo by Contributed
Poser: Wendy and Robert Wilkie’s 20-month-old French bulldog Ollie is full of mischief and loves his daily walks. Photo by Contributed
That face: Penny loves being the centre of attention for owners Shane and Carly Grieve. Photo by Contributed
Bit dirty: Robyn Dance sent in this photo of Rodger, who had been for a play after just being groomed. Photo by Contributed
All smiles: Tina Stagg’s two dogs, Rusty and Pip, are both rescue dogs. Photo by Contributed
Cheeky: Yvonne Roos sent this photo of Simba, who loves to pose, play ball and spend time with his friends. Photo by Contributed
Active: Samantha McHugh’s four-year-old Jack Russell cross Poppy loves to chase birds and steal socks. Photo by Contributed