
Agronomist can hold a tune

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Agronomist Rebecca Hall sings the National Anthem at International Dairy Week, surrounded by livestock agents preparing for the sale.

When International Dairy Week needed a singer for the National Anthem to open the major dairy auction on Wednesday night, the organisers called on Echuca agronomist Rebecca Hall.

She did a creditable job belting out the anthem without an accompaniment, in front of about 400 people.

Rebecca spends most of her time in paddocks and on farms, working for Nutrien Ag Solutions but still enjoys singing as a hobby.

She got this gig thanks to dairy connections with farmer Stu Modra who recognised her talent from outbursts of singing with children on the farm.

Scott Lord from Dairy Livestock Services rang her to ask her to sing.

“I wasn’t that nervous leading up to it, but it was different when I was standing so close to the people and the PA was fairly loud,” she said.

Asked if she sings in the paddock, Rebecca said, “only if I want to scare the snakes away”.