
Beneath the Wisteria to host free event in Tatura

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Upcoming event: Beneath the Wisteria will visit Tatura to advise on how families and individuals can save money. Photo by djgunner

Beneath the Wisteria will visit Tatura to advise on how families and individuals can save money.

The event will take place on Saturday, June 24 at Stuart Mock Place in Tatura from 10am and will continue for as long as people want to talk.

Beneath the Wisteria convenor Robert McLean said the event would be free and people would not be required to do anything but listen and discuss how they could best save money in the operation of their homes.

He will also discuss how to eliminate the cost of energy derived from fossil fuels as it becomes more expensive, with a focus on shifting towards renewable energy sources.

Beneath the Wisteria has operated in Shepparton for nearly 11 years with the aim of helping people better understand how they should respond to the climate emergency.