
Clothes free to those who need them at Wilmot Rd Community Hub

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Three-day event: Wilmot Rd Community Hub leader Sarah Pearson is welcoming people to take home free clothes. Photo: Rechelle Zammit. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Wilmot Rd Community Hub is running a three-day giveaway after collecting donations in a clothes drive.

Hub leader Sarah Pearson said anyone and everyone was welcome to come along and take what they needed, including any community organisations.

“We have a lot of students at the school from low socio-economic families and diverse cultural backgrounds, and we wanted to offer a bit of extra support,” she said.

“I had a number of bags of clothes at home I wanted to donate so that’s what sparked it.

“Whatever you need — it’s yours.”

All free and with no limit, there is women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, as well as accessories and shoes all ready for a second life.

“It’s been community-wide, lots of people have been reached through social media and word of mouth, so it’s been really positive,” Ms Pearson said.

The free clothes event will run from Wednesday, June 22 to Friday, June 24, from 8.30am to 3pm.

There are 94 Community Hubs nationwide, with three in Shepparton.

The Wilmot Rd Community Hub is supported by Lighthouse and Wilmot Rd Primary School.

“We find it important to be available for the community and especially new immigrants and new people to Shepparton,” Ms Pearson said.

“The hub itself is open for anyone to come have a cuppa and a chat, and if people want to use the space to host mums’ groups or gatherings they’re welcome to — it’s a community space, so it’s not just for school-related families, anyone can come in.”

The hub is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8.30am to 3pm and runs different programs each term.

“We’re open for suggestions if anyone wants to have a particular program run or if they want to volunteer their particular skill,” Ms Pearson said.

To get in touch with Ms Pearson visit the hub at Wilmot Rd Primary School, 84-90 Wilmot Rd, Shepparton, during open hours or contact the Facebook page ‘Sarah Pearson HubLeader’.