
Council flood feedback prepares Tallygaroopna for future

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Preparing for the future: The floods between Tallygaroopna and Congupna. Photo by Ray Sizer

Greater Shepparton City Council, in partnership with the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, will conduct a flood scoping study in Tallygaroopna to enhance understanding and preparedness for future flooding events.

Tallygaroopna has previously experienced significant flooding, in 2012, making it essential to investigate and address the town's flood-related challenges.

The study will examine the township and external factors influencing flood conditions in the area.

The study has several aims: to gain an improved understanding of flooding conditions and impacts in Tallygaroopna; to develop enhanced planning controls for future town development; and to assess potential measures to mitigate future flood impacts.

The consultancy firm Confluence Group has been appointed to carry out the study.

Residents, who may have first-hand knowledge and experiences of past floods, are encouraged to provide their insights.

To gather input, council will distribute surveys to all Tallygaroopna residents in the coming week.

Feedback can be provided online through the Shaping Greater Shepp website, by returning the survey in the reply-paid envelope, or by obtaining a survey from council's office or the Tallygaroopna Post Office.

In addition, a drop-in session will be held at the Soldiers Memorial Hall in Tallygaroopna on Wednesday, June 14, from 4pm to 7pm.

This session will provide an opportunity for residents to share information, such as old photos, and recount their experiences during previous flood events.

Feedback is open until Friday, June 23 and can be provided:

• Online at

• By collecting a paper copy of the questionnaire from council’s office at 90 Welsford St, Shepparton or the Tallygaroopna Post Office at 4 Victoria St, Tallygaroopna.

• By post to Greater Shepparton City Council, Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton, 3632.

• At the drop-in session at the Soldiers Memorial Hall, 21 Victoria St, Tallygaroopna from 4pm to 7pm on June 14.