
Couple’s shave raises $14,450 for leukaemia support

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Andrew Filippopoulos, Peter Oates, Bruce Lynch, Karen Oates and Deb Lynch with their cheque of funds raised. Together, they raised $14,450. Photo by Megan Fisher

Earlier this year, Deb and Bruce Lynch would often visit their friend Karen, who was undergoing treatment for leukaemia at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne.

Over the seven-month stay, Karen was frequently in and out of hospital, staying with her husband Peter in accommodation provided by the Leukemia Foundation between treatments.

Being away from home was tough enough as it was, not to mention the endless hospital visits and treatments.

However, there was a silver lining to their situation. One carefully stitched by the kind hands of the Leukaemia Foundation and its donors.

The accommodation they were provided was comfortable, modern, and had everything they needed to make their stay comfortable, and as stress-free as possible.

Everything except for clothes and food was provided.

The best part? It was all free.

As Deb and Bruce Lynch observed how the Leukaemia Foundation did everything they could to assist their friends at a very difficult time in their lives, they felt grateful for the incredible service.

When Peter explained to the couple that the service was, after all, provided at no cost to them, they were astounded, and inspired.

They became determined to find a way to add to the voluntary funding, so the incredible service could continue to assist other country families going through similar things.

They decided they would raise funds by doing the World's Greatest Shave.

A date, April 28, and venue, the Aussie, were set, and the Foundation set the pair up online to start their fund-raising journey.

“Along the way, we had support from so many generous donors and people willing to put their hand up to have their heads shaven just as the cooler weather was fast approaching,” Deb Lynch said.

Among the courageous shavers was Vinnie Bovalino, an 8-year-old relative to Karen and Peter.

Others taking to the chair were Peter Oates, James Oates, Melissa Whatford, Amelie Mornex and Steve Neff.

The day was filled with excitement, with the buzz of charity warming the air.

People gave prize donations for competitions, as well as the money donations, which tallied up to an impressive amount.

“We would love to thank everyone involved and, please, support the Leukaemia Foundation for the wonderful ongoing support they provide to anyone suffering Leukaemia that needs to travel for treatment,” Ms Lynch said.

At the end of the night, the total funds raised, a wonderful $14,450, was far more than the couple ever expected.

A representative visited Shepparton to receive the hefty cheque from the shave-fundraiser, taking it back to the Foundation where the money will be put toward helping more families.

The couple’s takeaway was this: don’t hesitate to involve yourself with this type of fund-raising for worthwhile foundations.

You can make a difference in the lives of many needing support during difficult times, and you’ll even get a new haircut doing it.