
Faces of the GV | Ann Turcato

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Ann Turcato. Photo by Caleb Francis

Ann Turcato

How old are you?


How long have you lived in Shepparton?

Twenty-two years. I lived in Melbourne before.

What do you do?

I’m a nurse at the Shepparton Private Hospital.

What are your favourite things to do in Shepparton?

I follow my children’s sport, enjoy the outdoors and spending time with family.

Any sports, clubs or groups you’re involved with?

Not really. Mainly with the kids’ sporting activities. They play sport at Katandra and we’ve been a part of other sporting groups over the years, such as the tennis club.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Retired but probably still working a little bit. Travelling too. My husband and I have a caravan so we’re just wanting to get away and enjoy life.