
Faces of the GV: Jack Walker

Jack Walker.

Name: Jack Walker.

Age: 23.

Where are you from? Mooroopna, but I travel to Melbourne to study.

Where did you go to school? Mooroopna and Shepp High.

What are you studying? Music and performing arts.

What do you want to be when you graduate? I’d love to do theatre, but I’m a part of a band so it would be cool if I could do that if we got big enough.

What do you like about theatre? I enjoy acting and getting into different characters. It’s sort of like reading a great book or watching a movie but you get to bring the story to life.

What do you like about your band? It’s just fun because we’re all friends and like the same sort of music so it’s a safe space for me and you get to share what you create with other people.

What do you do in your spare time? I love to cook and try out different restaurants and cuisines with my family, and just spend time with friends.

What are the main differences between the city and Shepparton? I like them both for different reasons. I like it here because I’m comfortable and I know a lot of people, but it’s nice to sort of do what I want in Melbourne much more independently because obviously you’re just a small fish in the city.

What is your favourite thing about Shepparton? The diversity of people and cultures.

Any new year’s resolutions? I think to just cut out anything I don’t enjoy or isn’t helping me get to where I want to go.