
Faces of the GV: Leona Gibbs

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Leona Gibbs. Photo by Djembe Archibald

How long have you lived in Shepp?

I have lived here all my life, since the mid ‘80s.

What do you do for work?

I’m a classroom music, VCE and VCE vocational major teacher at Greater Shepparton Secondary College and I am also the clubs and activities co-ordinator.

Are you involved in any local clubs or initiatives?

I’m involved in lots of different music and performance things — the Shepparton Brass and Wind Band, GV concert orchestra do those concerts. Sometimes I do some stuff with STAG (Shepparton Theatre Arts Group).

What is your favorite thing to do around Shepparton?

I enjoy spending time with my family things but also all of my band commitments.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I’m still gonna be here while kids are heading into high school. Our sort of 10-to-15-year retirement plan is to move up to NSW and live near the beach.