
Faces of the GV: Parker Skinner

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Parker Skinner Photo by Jay Bryce

What’s your name? Parker Skinner.

What school do you go to? Kialla West Primary School.

What year are you in? Prep.

How old are you? Six.

What’s your favourite subject at school? I like that we do maths.

What’s your favourite thing to do at recess and lunch? I like to play with my friends.

What’s your favourite thing to do when you get home from school? I have rest from school.

Do anything fun recently? I watched a movie with Mum. It wasn’t a movie at home though. It was the Mario movie.

Whereabouts in Shepparton are you from? Kialla Lakes. We had a fun run past my house.

What’s your favourite food? Pancakes. Mum makes them for me.