
Faces of the GV: Rachael Webb

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Rachael Webb.

Where are you from? I am from Mulwala, NSW, and I still live there now.

What brings you to Shepparton? I am doing placement at Mooroopna Park Primary School for my social work course.

What are you studying? I am one year into my two-year master’s of social work, which will finish next year.

How have you enjoyed your placement so far? It’s my first day, so I’ve been easing into it, but it’s been good.

Have you seen much of Shepparton? Not yet but I want to, so I might go check it all out when I’m on a lunch break.

What do you see yourself doing in five years? I’m not 100 per cent sure exactly what I want to be doing, but something in social work, for sure.

If you could give yourself from 10 years ago advice, what would you say? I would tell myself to do this course sooner; just because of my age, I wish I had at least begun it a lot younger.