
Faces of the GV: Tameeka O’Bryan

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Tameeka O'Bryan. Photo by Megan Fisher

What is your name? Tameeka O’Bryan.

How old are you? 17.

Where do you go to school? Goulburn Valley Grammar School.

What year level are you in? I just finished Year 11 so am heading into Year 12 in 2024.

What subjects are you doing? I’m doing literature, history, English and art and creative practice.

What do you like to do around town? I like to hang out at the lake with my friends.

Where do you see yourself in five years? I don’t really know to be honest. I’m happy just taking it one day at a time.

What advice would you give yourself from when you were in Year 7? Probably to just keep going, times will get rough but there’s still good days.