
Faces of the GV | Tracey Toy

Faces of the GV | Tracey Toy. Photo by Contributed

What is your link to the Goulburn Valley?

I was born and bred here, and I’ve lived here my whole life.

What is your favourite thing about the Goulburn Valley?

I absolutely love what the Goulburn Valley has to offer. Think of all the positive things we have. The people are amazing, and so is the community.

What do you do with yourself?

I am a senior employment preparation and engagement consultant at are-able. I assist people facing barriers to employment and connecting with their passions.

How do you like spending your free time?

I volunteer at the Shepparton Netball Association, assisting with various tasks. I’ve also been busy planning my daughter’s wedding.

What piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Don’t go a million miles an hour, stop and reflect. Self-reflection is key.