
Growing for success | Cyclamen steal the show this Mother’s Day

Bloom: Cyclamen’s graceful petals dance in the breeze. Photo by Contributed

Larry Smith and the Riverside Gardens team talk all things pots, plants and pruning in their weekly gardening column.

Beauty: Originating from the Mediterranean, from Greece to Lebanon, cyclamen thrive in rocky, well-drained soils and cooler mountain climates. Photo by Contributed

I hope you all got into the spirit of Worldwide Naked Gardening Day last week. It certainly didn’t take much convincing for Henry, our head of security (the mannequin looking down from the shop window), to get into the promotion out front of the garden centre, much to the entertainment of our customers.

Worldwide Naked Gardening Day is the first Saturday in May every year, for no other reason than it is a bit of a laugh. It is followed closely by Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May, so please don’t get the two dates mixed up or the themes confused, as it might be more than a little awkward for all involved.

Mother’s Day is traditionally a busy day in our garden centre as families are out celebrating their mum, strolling through the plants and gift shop or taking a walk around our gardens. It is lovely to see families out recognising all the work that mums do day in and day out that goes unnoticed.

Every year at Riverside Gardens, we like to show our appreciation to all the mums in the area and offer a free game of Laugh A Lot Links Mini Golf on the day. Interestingly, mums win in almost all groups that go out.

Over the years, chrysanthemums have been the traditional plants for Mother’s Day, but more recently, it has become cyclamen with their bright, five, up-swept petaled flowers that have taken over as the flowering gift of choice.

Cyclamen persicum, the most common variety grown in Australia, is a herbaceous plant from the Mediterranean region that grows from Greece and Turkey to Lebanon. Cyclamen are found on rocky hillsides, growing in free-draining soils, enjoying the cooler climate of the mountains.

As indoor plants, they can flower for months on end, which is probably why they have become the plant of choice for Mother’s Day. Placed in a light, cool place out of direct sunlight, they are easy to grow with minimal maintenance and care. There are a few tricks, though, that will prolong your enjoyment of their flowers inside.

Subtle fragrance: A cyclamen’s sweet scent perfumes the air. Photo by Contributed

When removing spent flowers or older leaves, hold them down low on the stems near the crown, give them a slight twist and a tug, and they will break away cleanly at the base, leaving nothing to rot back to the tuber.

Keep your cyclamen away from direct heat, as this will cause them to start going semi-dormant and stop flowering. I find that if you place the plant in a sheltered position outside overnight occasionally, where it is exposed to the cold morning air, it will respond with even more flowers and keep flowering for longer.

Cyclamen do not require much water. Remember that they naturally grow on rocky hillsides, so they do not like sitting in water. Be sure to empty any excess water from the saucer after giving them a drink. As a bit of a guide, I would suggest watering about once a week or less. If the flowers start to drop their heads and look a little droopy, give them water, and they will soon bounce back.

You do not have to grow your cyclamen inside. They will do well outside in a cool position and can even be planted out in the garden. A miniature variety is available in seedling punnets for planting out as a colourful border. They will make an impressive display for months, but be aware that they will go semi-dormant over the summer months, dying back to just a few leaves.

Cyclamen are such versatile plants that can give so much colour, and being in their prime this time of year, it is easy to see why they have become the perfect Mother’s Day gift.

When you are wondering what to do this Mother’s Day, think about a visit to Emerald Bank. Have a look through the clothes museum, dine at the Milestone Café, stroll through the nursery and gardens, or even have a picnic on the lawns around the lake.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mums of the Goulburn Valley. Have a great day.

Seasonal charm: Blooms that last for months make these indoor plants a Mother’s Day favourite. Photo by Contributed
Security: Getting into the spirit of Worldwide Naked Gardening Day at the garden centre. Even Henry, our stoic head of security, joined in the fun. Photo by Contributed