
Having a barking good time

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Who let the dogs out?: Gracie, Sasha, Phoebe, Taffie and Max. Photo by Megan Fisher

Who doesn’t like to see lots of photos of dogs having fun?

The News put a call out for people and their dogs to meet us at the off-leash dog park at Princess Park in Shepparton for a photo shoot, and boy did the four-legged residents of the Goulburn Valley deliver.

News photographer Megan Fisher had a ball snapping photos of the dogs as they ran around playing with each other.

She got so many photos that we will run more next week.

Quick breather: Dallas, a one-year-old golden retriever. Photo by Megan Fisher
Day out: Sally Cooke with Taffie, a five-year-old Staffy mixed breed. Photo by Megan Fisher
Puppy power: Thirteen-week-old golden retriever Clarke. Photo by Megan Fisher
Taking off: Gracie, a one-year-old Staffy. Photo by Megan Fisher
In full flight: One-year-old golden retriever x Newfoundland Phoebe, and two-year-old Staffy x Rottweiler Max. Photo by Megan Fisher
Having fun: Carlie Monichino with Biscuit, a one-year-old staghound x bull Arab. Photo by Megan Fisher
Focus: Alfie the Labrador. Photo by Megan Fisher
Fast friends: One-year-old mixed breed Roo and one-year-old staghound x bull Arab Biscuit. Photo by Megan Fisher
It’s dirty work: Three-year-old golden retriever Arlo. Photo by Megan Fisher
You’ve been spotted: One-year-old German short-haired pointer Winston. Photo by Megan Fisher
Cruising: Five-year-old German shepherd x German short-haired pointer Sasha. Photo by Megan Fisher
Mad for the mud: Eleven-month-old American Staffy Dre. Photo by Megan Fisher
Exchanging pleasantries: One-year-old golden retriever Dallas and 13-week old golden retriever Clarke. Photo by Megan Fisher
Show of speed: Six-month-old American bulldog Snowy. Photo by Megan Fisher
Alert: Digger, a three-year-old Labrador x Smithfield. Photo by Megan Fisher