
Join the wave: Vision Australia Radio calls for passionate volunteers

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On air: Geri Williams and Gwyneth Trevaskis covering News articles in the studio.

As a relatively new journalist, the notion that people read my articles remains novel. The realisation that our newspaper’s words resonate with an audience is humbling, to say the least, and a sentiment I am still getting used to.

Recently, this awareness took an unexpected turn during my visit to Vision Australia Radio.

Vision Australia Radio in Shepparton is a hotspot of community spirit and inclusivity. A volunteer-driven powerhouse, it has been amplifying local voices for an impressive 19 years.

Nestled within Shepparton’s Flexible Learning Centre, the station provides 12 and a half hours of compelling local weekly content on 100.1 FM.

What struck me was the transformation of News articles from print to airwaves, seamlessly bridging traditional and contemporary media.

Behind this harmonious operation stands a dedicated team of 25 volunteers led by the remarkable Peter Simpson. For the past six years, Peter, a lead volunteer, has orchestrated the station’s activities, serving as a panel operator and presenter. Each broadcast hour demands meticulous preparation, involving timed readings and careful consideration of name pronunciations.

Vision Australia Radio invites individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of age or ability, to join its vibrant volunteer community. Whether it’s lending your voice to read articles or learning how to operate the panel board, the experience at Vision Australia Radio can serve as a stepping stone to more significant roles.

Each newcomer receives comprehensive training, and experienced volunteers generously offer guidance and mentorship.

During my visit, the warm and inclusive atmosphere was palpable.

The station thrives on camaraderie, with seasoned volunteers such as Meryl Goodwin, who has been involved with the radio station for 17 years, mentoring newcomers such as Gwyneth Trevaskis. The environment is friendly and nurturing — a true testament to the community spirit that permeates Vision Australia Radio.

If you have a few spare hours and are looking for ways to make a difference in the community by volunteering, consider Vision Australia Radio. Whether you’re available several times a week or once a month, all availabilities will be accommodated.

Beyond the satisfaction of contributing to a worthy cause, it is a fun and enriching learning experience.

To apply, call 5831 3555 or email: