
Monty is really chill like that

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Chill dude: Monty says hi. Photo by Contributed

Ryan Andrews doesn’t like cats.

In fact, he kind of hates them.

“My cousin has a cat and he’s really annoying,” he said.

“But Monty is different, I like Monty.”

According to Ryan, Monty is just the chillest cat ever.

Hanging out: Monty taking in some sunshine. Photo by Contributed

In a world where tempers often flare, especially in the animal kingdom, Monty is a shining example of how a cat can remain the epitome of cool.

The remarkable aspect of Monty’s chill nature is his striking lack of aggression.

Unlike some cats, who may respond to unfavourable encounters with a swift swipe or a hiss, Monty takes a different approach.

When he encounters someone or something he’s not particularly fond of, he doesn’t unleash his claws or vocalise his discontent.

Instead, Monty prefers the path of serenity.

Without a fuss or any form of aggression, he gracefully distances himself from the situation, maintaining an aura of dignity and self-assuredness that’s nothing short of impressive.

It’s as if he knows that life is too short to engage in unnecessary altercations, and there are far better places to invest his time and energy.

Monty’s days are an artful blend of relaxation and contemplation.

You’ll often find him strategically positioned in the backyard, soaking up the sun’s gentle rays and casting a discerning eye over his surroundings.

The backyard serves as his personal haven.

Vibing: Monty perched on one of his favourite spots. Photo by Contributed

But Monty’s chill domains don’t end there.

On the rooftop, where he perches like a sophisticated sentinel, he enjoys another vista for his contemplation.

His serene reputation precedes him — far and wide he is known for his chillness, even internationally.

Ryan’s house has a spare room, so often hosts different and interesting people from all over the place, including travellers from abroad.

Monty, however, seems to have some sort of magnetic charm, turning these global nomads into members of his devoted fan club.

Once upon a time, there was a lady from distant lands who found solace in capturing Monty’s every move with her camera.

She snapped pictures and shot videos like she was a paparazzo on a mission.

But as travellers do, she eventually packed her bags and set off on her journey.

Just as the dust settled from her departure, another curious soul arrived, eyeing Ryan’s place as her potential new home.

On the prowl: Monty going for a stroll. Photo by Contributed

And, believe it or not, one of her house-hunting prerequisites was crystal clear: “I want to meet Monty!”

The family scratched their heads, dumbfounded by how this newcomer already knew about Monty’s legendary status.

It turns out, she was no stranger.

In fact, she was the sister of the camera-wielding lady who’d stayed before her.

A Colombian man who stayed before used to tell his family tales about Monty, so naturally Ryan believes Monty is famous in Columbia.

Monty had become the unofficial poster-pet of the house, a furry selling point that transcended continents.

“So he’s world-famous,” Ryan said.

“He’s Mr Worldwide, Mr 305.”

Monty, the master strategist of sating feline hunger, has a well-orchestrated plan for mealtime. When his stomach demands satisfaction, he exhibits an uncanny sense of timing.

He positions himself at the back door, patiently waiting to be granted access to his culinary kingdom.

As soon as the door swings open, he springs into action, navigating the household like a seasoned general.

He lands with precision in the kitchen, his chosen battleground.

He parks himself beneath the coveted top shelf, where his cherished food stash awaits.

Don’t dare reach for anything other than that top-shelf treasure.

If you do, he will respond by meowing his frustration with remarkable intensity, making sure his displeasure is heard far and wide.

Yet, Monty is not unreasonable.

He’s a cat with principles, and he knows exactly what he wants.

Side-eye: Monty looking hungry. Photo by Contributed

Reach for the coveted top shelf, and you’ll witness a feat of cat athleticism as he swiftly retreats outdoors once more to his feeding place.

There, he displays remarkable patience, a virtue many humans could learn from.

Monty understands that good things come to those who wait.

So, he waits, knowing that his meal will be delivered in due course.

“He’s probably the most friendly cat I’ve ever seen,” Ryan said.

“I literally cannot express just how chill he is.

“He’s chilling, that’s what he does.”

Monty serves as a gentle reminder that safeguarding our inner peace is paramount, and that practising patience is a virtue, for good things come to those who wait and also are really chill about things.