
Moo and Denny provide much entertainment

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Cat house: Frankie Doig and Maitland Overall with their cats, Moo and Denny. Photo by Monique Preston

When Frankie Doig’s friend spotted a ginger kitten on Gumtree just before the start of more COVID-19 lockdowns, she told Frankie to get her to keep her company.

“She said COVID’s kicking in and you’ll need a friend,” Frankie said.

Fast-forward to now, and Frankie has a whole household of friends.

Moo the ginger kitten was the first to move in with Frankie, in May 2021.

Then her boyfriend, Maitland Overall, adopted a cat named Denny at an animal rescue open day.

Cautious respect: Maitland Overall calls Moo 'Leading Hand Moo' because she is always bossing him around and supervising him. Photo by Monique Preston

However, it was not long before Denny moved in with Frankie and Moo.

According to Frankie, Moo was not a fan of her new furry friend at first, but now they fall asleep cuddling each other and can often be found playing together.

“(At first) she got upset at me and would hiss at me,” Frankie said.

Next, Maitland joined the household.

Siblings: Denny and Moo did not get along when they first met, but now they sleep and play together. Photo by Monique Preston

Frankie said Moo was a temperamental cat, who mainly just liked her.

Among things Moo does enjoy though, are eating cheese, chasing flies, and getting involved whenever Frankie and Maitland make the bed.

Moo was only five or six weeks old when Frankie got her, and as Frankie was working from home because of the COVID-19 lockdowns, the two of them spent plenty of time together in the early days.

Smooch: Frankie Doig gives Denny a kiss. Photo by Monique Preston

“She was attached to me all the time and would follow me everywhere,” Frankie said.

“When I had to go (back) to the office I felt bad about leaving her, so I tried to be at home at night as much as possible.”

The best thing about Moo?

“When I go to bed she’ll run and jump on my chest before I go to sleep. She’ll come to check on me, then goes off (elsewhere),” Frankie said.

Maitland jokingly refers to Moo as “Leading Hand Moo”.

“She’s always supervising,” he said.

“She likes sitting on the ironing board bossing you while you are ironing.

“She likes bossing me around.”

Denny was three months old when Maitland adopted him from an animal rescue open day in May.

Cute: Moo is attached to her owner. Photo by Monique Preston

Maitland says Denny is a loveable cat, just not very smart.

“The best words to describe Denny is he is a complete space cadet,” Maitland said with a laugh.

“You’ll frequently walk into a room and he’ll be staring at the wall. But he’s happy.”

Frankie also said Denny was clumsy and not very agile.

“He can’t jump,” Frankie said.

Playful: Denny is a cuddly cat. Photo by Monique Preston

“Moo will get on the fridge or the rangehood and he will just sit on the floor and watch.”

Both Maitland and Frankie said Denny often made them laugh.

“He’s endless entertainment,” Maitland said.

“Denny got stuck in the (empty) bath once and couldn’t get out,” Frankie said.

“He needs to be supervised at all times,” Maitland said.

In charge: Moo is the boss of the household. Photo by Monique Preston

“And that’s why we’ve got Moo,” Frankie said with a laugh.

On the plus side, Denny loves a cuddle, and Maitland describes him as a “sweet little man”.

Maitland admits he wasn’t a cat person before he met Frankie.

“Moo got him comfortable and Denny won him over,” Frankie said.

Family: Frankie Doig and Maitland Overall with their cats, Moo and Denny. Photo by Monique Preston