
Picture This! Weekend a hit in Shepparton

Engaging: Participants take in as much as they can.

Local Goulburn Valley creatives experienced the wonders of pre- and post-production last month when the Picture This! Weekend came to town.

Organisers of the event at St Paul’s African House in Shepparton encouraged attendees to build confidence in their own respective creative spaces, with screenings, discussions and creative workshops all helping foster connection and collaboration.

“I learned the importance of collaboration and unification between artists, that you can sort of achieve that in a local setting, and like, networking might seem hard but it is present and available,” participant and event volunteer Tone 24 said.

Action: Participant Raf sits in the hot seat to be filmed during one of the sessions.

“I also learnt that passing on knowledge to other people, how good that feels.

“I think I will use [what I’ve learned] just in the way I approach collaborating with other artists and even just other people in my life, helping them see the value in the art that they do.

“It just got me really motivated to get the people that I know, who do certain things that I don’t have the skills, and come together and do something. Or even just be open to use what my skills are in ways that help progress other people’s forms of art along, which I previously wasn’t open to.”

Picture This! participants were also taken through the application process for the 2023 Emerging Filmmakers Fund.

Applications close on May 22 for the fund, which grants up to $5000 to first-time filmmakers to produce a short film, which will be screened at a special premiere event.

Head to for more information and to apply for the fund.

Working hard: Participant Ree Peric.
Workshopping: Collaboration is key.
Brainstorming: Creative juices are flowing.
Happy with the day: Co-organisers Awak Kongor and Aisha Trambas.