
School fire safety information for kids

Look and listen: CFA members talk to students about fire safety. Photo by Contributed

Mooroopna school students have been learning critical fire safety tips from CFA firefighters.

With the CFA/Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria State Championships being held in Mooroopna last weekend and this weekend, schools have been visiting the Mooroopna Recreation Reserve site for fire safety education programs.

About 350 students, mostly from grades 2, 3, and 4, have taken part in the programs.

CFA District 22 community engagement co-ordinator Emily Guthrie said it was important to keep the activities fun and interactive to get the message across for this age group.

“Some of the things we’re doing include activities around stop, drop and roll, crawling low in smoke, and we’ll also talk about smoke alarms and identifying and avoiding basic fire hazards,” she said.

“We also have some staff who will show them around the trucks and equipment to explain what it’s all used for.

“Children by nature are a particularly vulnerable group when it comes to fire, so it’s important they know what to do if they’re ever in a situation where they have to act quickly or get out of the house.”

The youngsters were also given showbags with important home fire safety information for their parents, which organisers hope will lead to discussions with the whole family.

Mooroopna Park Primary School teacher Brad Robinson said it was important for students to know the basics so they had an idea of what to do and who to call in an emergency.

“We can talk to them about it at school, but it’s much better to hear about it from the professionals, and it’s an experience that not all of them would get to have very often,” Mr Robinson said.

“There’s been lots of excitement this week, and all the students have been looking forward to seeing real firefighters and fire trucks up close.”

Mr Robinson, who used to compete in championships with Stanhope Fire Brigade, said the events were not only a fantastic opportunity for students, but for the local community as well.

“It’s great for people who don’t know what it is and what it’s about, as they might want to come and try it themselves.

“The championships also bring so many people to the area, particularly considering both the rural and urban events are here.”

The Urban Junior Championships were held at the Mooroopna Recreation Reserve last weekend, while the urban senior events, and both the rural senior and rural junior competitions, will begin on Saturday, March 25.