
Shepp Speaks | Giving yourself advice

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Brianna Benjamin.

The end of the academic year is just around the corner, so The News went down to Greater Shepparton Secondary College to see what advice students would have given themselves at the beginning of this year.

Here’s what they had to say.

Brianna Benjamin

Study everything as you go and as you learn them. I’d also say to go and try new clubs, especially art club. I don’t think I’d change anything else.

Charlotte Amadei.

Charlotte Amadei

I’d tell myself to not be so stressed about year 10 but be prepared for Year 11. I’d say not to stress so much about assessments and allow myself to as much time as I need to relax after school.

Ana Morrison.

Ana Morrison

I’d say don’t leave things to the last minute, and make sure you don’t procrastinate. I’d wanna set up a consistent study schedule and make sure I’m learning each little bit at a time instead of all the night before.

Damon Warr.

Damon Warr

I’d tell myself to find friends earlier, because I now don’t know them as well as I could have if I had put myself out there. I think I’ve set myself up well for assessments and stuff like that well, so I wouldn’t change that stuff.

Storm Danda.

Storm Danda

Not to annoy the teachers as much. I think I annoyed them a bit so I’d get more work done and not talk so rudely. It was a big change from primary to secondary school so I think that made it difficult.

Lucy Elford.

Lucy Elford

I would say that boys are annoying. They do absolutely no work and the teachers always yell at them the most. I would also tell myself to study a bit more and do it a little bit at a time instead of all at once.