
Shepp Speaks l What’s your favourite thing about spring?

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Ruby Pickles. Photo by Jay Bryce

As we say goodbye to winter and hello to spring, we wanted to know your favourite thing about the new season.

News journalist Jay Bryce went to Guthrie St Primary School to ask the students.

Here’s what they had to say.

Ruby Pickles, Year 6

“The flowers, the trees, those sorts of things.”

Will Moore, Year 3

Will Moore. Photo by Jay Bryce

“I'm from the Northern Territory so I’m used to warmer weather.”

Kobe Freet, Year 6

Kobe Freet. Photo by Jay Bryce

“The weather, it’s not always cold.”

Jake Davis, Year 6

Jake Davis. Photo by Jay Bryce

“It's starting to get warm.”

Xave Clarke, Year 6

Xave Clarke. Photo by Jay Bryce

“The flowers, the weather and the colour.”

Madi Aloi, Year 6

Madi Aloi. Photo by Jay Bryce

“The grass, it’s very green.”

Mason Dignall, Year 5

Mason Dignall. Photo by Jay Bryce

“All the birds come out.”