
Shepp speaks | Year 5 Aspiration Day

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Gabby Elford

On Tuesday, December 5, Aspiration Day was held for Year 5 students across the Goulburn Valley to make them aware of a wide range of careers.

A longer article will be available in the near future, but to give you a taste of the day, The News went along to see what aspired the attending students.

Here’s what they had to say.

Gabby Elford

I’ve enjoyed the arts session the most because I got to make an anklet. I also liked going into the Tesla which I liked. I like to do art but there were a lot of new things to try so I enjoyed that.

Lilliarna Pearson

Lilliarna Pearson

Going into the mobile crane thing was my favourite bit of the day, because it was interesting because I’ve never been in one before. I also enjoyed making bracelets because I made a Taylor Swift one.

Evie Wright

Evie Wright

The activities have been fun, especially the artsy ones and the Christmas one. I like doing craft stuff and making things after school but it’s good because I got to do it at school. I liked going in the machines, too.

Leila Tweedie

Leila Tweedie

My favourite part was meeting all of the people at the university and asking questions them questions. I enjoyed learning about the different stuff that’s here today.