
Time is running out to claim $250 Power Saving Bonus: MP

Apply now: State Member for Shepparton Kim O'Keeffe has encouraged residents to apply for the fourth round of the Power Saving Bonus. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

The fourth round of the Victorian Power Saving Bonus is set to finish at the end of the month.

State Member for Shepparton Kim O’Keeffe is encouraging anyone who has not yet applied for the current round to do so before the August 31 deadline.

“My office is often contacted by people in the community who are struggling to stay on top of bills, with the cost of living skyrocketing and living expenses going through the roof,” Ms O’Keeffe said.

“I would urge everyone who hasn’t already applied for this round of funding to do so before the August 31 cut-off.

“If you require assistance with your application, the team at my office can help you out.”

The current round, open since late March, offers a $250 payment to all eligible Victorian households, including those who received prior round payments.

For assistance with applying for the Power Saving Bonus, visit Ms O’Keeffe’s office at 5 Vaughan St, Shepparton, or call 5831 6944.

A full copy of a recent power bill is required to apply.