
Dairy Australia announces chair-elect and board nominees

Queensland dairy farmer Paul Roderick is set to become the new chair of Dairy Australia.

Queensland dairy farmer Paul Roderick has been designated as Dairy Australia’s chair-elect and will formally step into his role as chair following the Dairy Australia Annual General Meeting.

The board have also recommended two board nominees to stand for election at the AGM, which will be held on November 26 in Warrnambool, Victoria.

Current Dairy Australia chair James Mann will retire from the board at the AGM, following nine years as a director, including four-and-a-half-years as chair.

“Paul’s contributions so far during his time on the board have been deeply valued, and I am confident his extensive knowledge of and passion for dairy will make him an outstanding chair,” Mr Mann said.

“Designating Paul as chair-elect provides a seamless transition as we continue to deliver for farmers and work towards developing Dairy Australia’s next five-year strategic plan.”

Mr Roderick thanked Mr Mann for his leadership and impact over his term as chair.

“James has contributed greatly to Australia’s dairy industry through a wide variety of leadership roles for more than 20 years, championing strategies and activities that support the profitability and sustainability of dairy farmers,” Mr Roderick said.

“I’m grateful for the board’s support and confidence in becoming the chair-elect, and I’m excited for the opportunity to build on James’ legacy by driving strategies that further advance dairy farm businesses and the profitability of our industry.”

First elected to the Dairy Australia Board in November 2020, Mr Roderick has operated his family dairy farm at Harrisville in south-east Queensland for more than 30 years.

He has held a number of industry roles including chair of Subtropical Dairy and was involved in establishing the Young Dairy Network in Queensland.

Dairy Australia’s chair-elect Paul Roderick (right) with his son Tom Roderick and daughter-in-law Natalija Vine in their Harrisville, Queensland, dairy. Photo: Lyle Radford

The terms of two directors — the retiring Mr Mann and Euberta dairy farmer Simone Jolliffe — expire at the AGM, meaning there are two vacancies for the board.

In accordance with its constitution, the board is required to have an appropriate balance of skills and experience that relate to the nature of the business and affairs of Dairy Australia, with at least four directors having milk producer skills.

Both vacancies this year are for directors with milk producer skills.

“After a comprehensive selection process, the two candidates recommended by the Board Selection Committee are Dr James Neal and Ms Simone Jolliffe,” committee chair Alan Bell said.

Dr Neal has been chair of the Dairy NSW Board since 2020. He farms with his wife and parents near Taree, milking up to 800 cows year-round.

He has extensive skills in agricultural research, development and extension, with a PhD in water use efficiency, yield, nutritive value, and profitability of different dairy forages.

Appointed to the Dairy Australia Board in 2021, Ms Jolliffe has been farming near Wagga Wagga in NSW with her husband since 2000.

Ms Jolliffe has nearly 25 years’ industry involvement outside their farm business in local, state and national roles. She has held various leadership roles in industry research, development and extension as well as advocacy and representation.

Dairy Australia members will vote for directors at the AGM or in advance by proxy.

To be successfully elected to the vacant director roles, each nominee will require a majority of the votes cast.

All dairy farm business operators are eligible to become members of Dairy Australia and vote at the AGM.

Farmers can contact the Dairy Australia member line on 1800 004 377 or email at to become a member or confirm that their details are correct.

Information about participating in the forum and AGM, as well as instructions for voting, will be provided closer to the date.

For more information on the director election process, go to:

Retiring Dairy Australia chair James Mann. Photo by Aidan Briggs