
The GPDOAT (Greatest Pasta Dish Of All Time)

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Photo by Jay Bryce

I shall be teaching you how to make my favourite pasta dish of all time.

Story: Jay Bryce

You’re welcome in advance.

What I love so much about this dish is its versatility.

It’s so easy to modify if you want to go more vegetable-heavy, or it can be a wonderful chicken pasta if you’re after more protein.

Another thing I like about it is that the sauce or base of the pasta is extremely satisfying, so there’s no need to overload on large amounts of cheese, salt, or other things that compromise the dish’s healthiness.

Hopefully, your mouth is watering by now, and you’re ready to hop in the kitchen.

Preparing the chicken

As mentioned, you don’t have to add chicken if you don’t want to.

I often don’t as I try and meal prep my lunches for work days ahead of time, and of course, like all food, this dish keeps better without meat in it.

So, assuming you want chicken, slap some chicken breast down and poke some holes in it with a knife.

Now, season as you like.

I typically use salt, pepper, garlic, parsley and chilli powder.

Make sure to season both sides and rub it into the chicken.

Cook the chicken however you desire.

Preparing the pasta

I always like to use two kinds of pasta.

I don’t know why; I just do.

I go for San Remo Large Vegeroni spiral pasta and Vetta Smart Fibre penne pasta.

I know I don’t need to add this, but I’m now picturing a furious email from someone whose pasta is much more crunchy than they’d like, so I will add it just in case.

Cook in boiled water to your desired solidness.

I go for al dente, but you can do whatever you want (do al dente, it’s the best, trust me, I’m a journalist).

Making the sauce

Combine a tablespoon of butter and flour in a pan and stir.

Add tomato paste and a teaspoon of water and stir.

This will look strange, but stay with me.

I promise it becomes edible.

Stir, smush and add another teaspoon of water.

Add a healthy amount of spinach.

I like to use that frozen paste stuff, but fresh is good too.

Add more tomato paste unless you went hard with it at the start.

In this case, put the tomato paste down and don’t touch it, you madman.

Add whatever chopped vegetables you like.

Some people would go for mushrooms and onions, but I prefer broccoli and tomatoes.

I’ll try not to judge you if you go for the former.

It’s fine, I’m not upset or anything.

Add cream.

I’m aware I’ve provided you with little to no actual measurements, but that’s because I don’t use them.

Think of it like a choose-your-own-adventure.

I have faith in you and know you’ll do me proud.

Add a few splashes of pasta water to loosen the consistency and stir well.

Now season, and season a lot.

Basil, oregano and chill powder never miss.

Throw some parmesan cheese in, and you’re basically good to go.


Cut up your chicken, drain your pasta and throw it together with the sauce.



Sorry, I should’ve said let cool.

Apologies if you just burned your mouth, but in fairness, you really should’ve read the whole thing.