
Gallery | World-class cultural expo at St Mel’s Primary School

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Connecting to culture: Year 2 students Kaileah Winmar and Piper Barbary crafted First Nations boomerangs and didgeridoos. Photo by Megan Fisher

Students from St Mel’s Primary School in Shepparton have travelled across the world without stepping foot out of the classroom.

Under the theme, ‘Can we belong to more than one culture?’, students have been exploring different facets that contribute to cultural identities in Australia and abroad.

To celebrate their new-found appreciation and understanding, St Mel’s hosted a cultural expo on Wednesday, March 27.

The day showcased the arts and crafts created by students, each representing aspects of diverse cultures.

Amid the festivities, the students made a stand – a lemonade stand, that is.

The pop-up stall quenched thirst and raised funds for Caritas Australia, a charity working to eradicate poverty and injustice.

Overall, the expo was a sweet success, as captured by The News photographer Megan Fisher.

In the picture: Year 1 student Yasmin Mohammad drew inspiration from the Islamic community for her artwork. Photo by Megan Fisher
Legend has it: Year 2 students Sambhay Sharma, Aaray Parmer and George Dainton stand by their display, ‘Different cultures have different mythical creatures’. Photo by Megan Fisher
Baby on board: Year 2 students Sam Douglas and Charli Gleeson have been learning about motherhood in various cultures. Photo by Megan Fisher
Snapped: This collage features pictures of students dressed in traditional cultural attire. Photo by Megan Fisher
Sweet success: Year 2 student Fahad Jaber and Year 1 student Santo Deng sold lemonade to raise money for Caritas Australia. Photo by Megan Fisher
Picture perfect: Year 2 student Hujjat Qasimi pictured with his drawing of the Blue Mosque in Afghanistan. Photo by Megan Fisher
Art and culture: Year 2 student Laurence Bulambo and Year 1 students Yuvi Bawa, Upkar Pannu and Jaismeen Kaur with their masterpieces. Photo by Megan Fisher
On the house: Year 1 students Marco Campi and Mohammed Aleedany made shelters inspired by First Nations culture. Photo by Megan Fisher
Life lessons: St Mel’s Primary School students have been learning about many cultures, including First Nations. Photo by Megan Fisher