STAG seeks actors for upcoming play

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Performance ready: The cast of STAG’S 2023 production of 12 Angry Jurors. Photo by Djembe Archibald

Shepparton Theatre Arts Group is looking for actors of all kinds for an upcoming play in its 2024 season.

STAG will be performing The Physicists, but first, a cast must be assembled.

An information night will be held next week for any existing or budding actors and actresses to learn more about the show.

For those looking to step gently into the performing world, there are smaller cameo-style roles, as well as more prominent roles.

Due to the emotional nature and themes of the performance, all performers must be 18 years old or older.

Leading the cast: Bella Walker, who played Grandma Tzeitel and was the youth ensemble co-ordinator in STAG’s Fiddler on the Roof last year, is stepping up to direct The Physicists. Photo by Djembe Archibald

Bella Walker, a cast member of several previous STAG performances, will direct the play.

The Physicists was written in 1962 by Friedrich Dürrenmatt and centres on three ‘insane’ nuclear physicists who occupy the ‘Les Cerisiers’ private sanatorium.

The characters have interesting quirks: one believes he is Sir Isaac Newton, another Albert Einstein and the third has regular visits from King Solomon.

Headed by the matriarchal psychiatrist Dr Mathilde von Zahnd, the asylum has to deal with the deaths of some of its nurses.

This dark satire probes beneath the surface of modern existence and questions whether it is truly the ‘mad’ who are the ‘insane’.

Information night details

Date: Wednesday, January 31

Time: 7pm

Location: The Black Box Theatre, 17 Wheeler St, Shepparton

For any questions, contact