Tenzin Choegyal set to amplify traditional Tibetan music in the Goulburn Valley

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Musician Tenzin Choegyal has performed at prestigious venues worldwide. Now, he is en route to the Goulburn Valley. Photo by Michael Murchie

From picking up instruments in a Tibetan refugee community to performing on global stages such as New York’s Carnegie Hall, musician Tenzin Choegyal has come a long way.

Now, he is taking it one step further by delivering his Heart Strings concert to the Goulburn Valley.

Tibetan tones will reverberate from the walls of The G.R.A.I.N. Store in Nathalia on Saturday, August 3, as Tenzin hosts an afternoon workshop for local ensembles and choirs, followed by an intimate concert that night.

Additionally, the celebrated musician will perform at Shadforth Reserve in Violet Town on Sunday, August 4.

Tenzin is a virtuoso on many traditional Tibetan instruments, such as the hauntingly beautiful lingbu (bamboo flute) and the melodious dranyen (three-stringed lute).

However, he is best known for his vocal prowess.

His unique vocal style seamlessly blends ancient meditative mantras with contemporary spoken word, bridging generations and cultures through music.

Tenzin is one of few artists who has preserved Tibet’s music since formerly living in exile.

As a child, Tenzin and his family were forced to flee Tibet due to the Chinese invasion of 1950.

Raised in a Tibetan refugee community in Dharamshala, India, other refugees gifted him with a love of traditional Tibetan songs.

Among them was the Dalai Lama, who actively encouraged the Tibetan people to preserve their way of life through language, religion and the arts.

Amid the struggle and attempted muzzle of his culture, Tenzin has remained an unwavering advocate for Tibetan freedom, using his music as a powerful voice for change.

Despite having no memory of his homeland, the skilled instrumentalist has grown to embrace his nomadic roots while nurturing his connection to the music of the wandering people of the Himalayan plateau.

“My music has evolved through my own journey from Tibet to India to Australia and around the world,” Tenzin said.

“Wherever I am in the world, my music also connects me to my homeland of Tibet.”

Tenzin Choegyal will host a workshop for local ensembles and choirs on Saturday, August 3, from 1.30pm to 3pm at The G.R.A.I.N. Store, 24 Blake St, Nathalia.

The Heart Strings concert will begin at 7pm that night.

Tickets for the workshop cost $15, and concert tickets are $25 or $15 for concession holders.

Tickets can be purchased at The G.R.A.I.N. Store or online at trybooking.com/events/landing/1246531 (workshop) and trybooking.com/events/landing/1246492 (concert).

Tenzin will also perform on Sunday, August 4, at 5pm at Shadforth Reserve, Shiffner St, Violet Town.

Tickets can be purchased at trybooking.com/events/landing/1256391