Ernesto’s Manifesto | Attention turns towards November

Famous faces: National Party headquarters in Shepparton looks a bit out of date. Ernesto wonders why Barnaby isn’t featured. Photo by Contributed

Ernesto watched the excellent ABC programs Q&A and Insiders last week and was staggered at the evasive "non-answers" given by ex “joint” Resources Minister Keith Pitt on Q&A in response to questions about what he knew about Scott Morrison's self-appointment to the resources portfolio (among others).

Even more staggering was the interview by David Speers with ex Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce on Insiders last Sunday.

Joyce was also evasive and shifty with his answers, but even worse, he was incoherent.

I can’t understand why Speers persevered with the interview.

If you haven’t watched this interview Ernesto suggests you do, then ask yourself how on earth this bloke could ever have been our Deputy Prime Minister?

The voters of New England who returned the National Party candidate, Barnaby Joyce, at this year’s Federal Election should be hanging their heads in shame.

It is this political party that our new member for Nicholls, Sam Birrell, has hitched his wagon to!

One of Mr Birrell's first acts in Parliament was (along with all members of the National Party) to vote against Labor’s climate change bill despite four amendments introduced by independent Member for Indi Helen Haines that were all focused on improving the legislation for regional Australians.

This is a clear case of party before community.

Ernesto can remember an interview with Mr Birrell before the election where he said if elected he would work to change the National Party’s attitude to climate change from within.

He clearly has a lot of work to do.

Nice bloke as Mr Birrell is, being on the opposition backbench he will be unable to deliver any of the policies he promised this electorate to get elected.

He is, unfortunately, an irrelevance.

That brings me to the upcoming state election.

Ernesto has some misgivings about Premier Dan Andrews, some of which were articulated in his last blog,

Having said that, Matthew Guy and his rabble in the Victorian Liberal Party have stumbled from scandal to scandal and stuff-up to stuff-up in a manner that leaves Mr Andrews and his ‘Red Shirts’ affair smelling of roses.

The latest polling suggests Labor will be easily returned in November, so the electorate of Shepparton has a choice.

Do voters repeat the mistake they made federally and end up with an ineffectual member on the opposition backbench or do they support an effective independent in Suzanna Sheed who has gained big investments for our region through the building of good relationships and sheer hard work.

One thing I am absolutely sure of is if the people of Shepparton elect a conservative member, be they National or Liberal, and Labor wins a third term, we will get nothing.

If the election is tight, there is a possibility Suzanna, along with other independents, could hold the balance of power, which would put our electorate in a strong bargaining position.

Finally Ernesto would like to ask the National Party’s candidate, Kim O’Keeffe, one question.

Can she can rule out using grubby lies and social media attacks in her election campaign as were used by the federal National Party to denigrate independent candidate Rob Priestly in the campaign to get Sam Birrell elected at all costs?