We don’t need this Guy

Opposition: Liberal leader Matthew Guy. Photo: AAP.

As the Victorian election draws closer, Ernesto has been amazed at the constant parade of scandals and missteps made by the Victorian Liberal Party and its leader, Matthew Guy.

From IBAC investigations into allegedly dodgy donations, the infiltration of the party by far-right religious organisations to the pre-selection of ultra conservative ‘City Builders’ church member Renee Heath and the openly racist, anti-abortion, climate change denier candidate for Narre Warren North, Timothy Dragan, the Liberals lurch from crisis to crisis.

With his party in such disarray, Matthew Guy must be wishing he was still eating lobster with his mates at that famous restaurant in Beaumaris.

Certainly Dan Andrews is facing some issues, but his problems look like a teddy bear’s picnic in comparison to the leader of the Opposition’s woes.

With that in mind, let’s look at the state seat of Shepparton where the Liberal and National party candidates are trying to oust independent Suzanna Sheed, our local member for the past eight years.

Ernesto has looked at the preferences both the Liberal and National candidates are suggesting and was staggered to see both Cheryl Hammer and Kim O’Keeffe preferencing extremist minor parties in the following order:

• Third preference, Democratic Labour Party.

• Fourth preference, Family First.

• Fifth preference, Freedom Party.

These parties are all preferenced before Ms Sheed, whom they preference sixth.

Let’s look at those parties the Liberals and Nationals are preferencing in the seat of Shepparton.

1. The DLP: Lead by Bernie Finn who was expelled by the Liberal Party and can count sacked ex-ALP member Adem Somyurek as a compatriot.

This party appears to be full of racist, religious, homophobic, anti-abortion, far-right climate deniers who want to build three coal-fired power stations while ending subsidies for renewables.

2. The Family First Party: It’s also religious, homophobic and anti-euthanasia.

3. The Freedom Party: Represented in Shepparton by serial failed political candidate Diane Teasdale. Their platform is also homophobic, anti marriage equality, supports relaxing of gun laws and is pro fracking for gas. Ms Teasdale gained notoriety in 2005 for her involvement in the Cronulla race riots and more recently for linking homosexuality to child molestation.

Let that sink in for a moment.

It would appear the infiltration of the LNP by these small, ultra right-wing and religious parties is well and truly gaining momentum.

The Liberals and Nationals are so intent on gaining power in Shepparton they are preferencing these minor far-right parties ahead of Ms Sheed, who has worked tirelessly and effectively for the Shepparton region since her election in 2014.

Eight years ago this electorate decided 47 years of neglect by the Nationals was unacceptable and elected an independent MP who has delivered to this community in spades.

It would be extreme folly to return to the past, especially as the prospect of the LNP winning government is remote. (Current bookmaker odds: Labor $1.06 to Coalition $9.)

What would a Liberal or Nationals member for Shepparton be able to achieve sitting on the back bench with a Labor Government in power?

Ern Meharry


Volunteer for independent member for Shepparton, Suzanna Sheed.

The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Suzanna Sheed Campaign