A world of words competition

Listening in: Kialla West Primary School Principal Wes Teague with student Imogen Welsh. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

The teachers at Kialla West Primary School recognise that public speaking is a great skill to have regardless of your age, so this year for Education Week they have joined forces with the Lions Club and have set their students a task — a junior public speaking competition.

“Oh no — You’ve turned into a giant” is the topic that has been set for Years 3-4, to get them interested and involved in public speaking and hopefully allow them to realise that it’s not as scary as they may think.

For Years 5-6, the topic “strange world records set in history” will have students exploring the wonders of world records, sharing their opinions on the topics while immersing themselves in fact-based public speaking.

Throughout Education Week students will be working on their speeches in class time then on Tuesday, May 23, they will go up against other students from other schools while delivering their speeches to an official judging panel.

There will be two to three students from each year level picked to then represent at a state level.

“Our young students have an abundance of enthusiasm and self-confidence, and the program is aimed to build on that base before students reach their teenage years,” Principal Wes Teague said.

“This is a great way to promote and celebrate literacy within our school, on what marks an important week in education.”