
Gallery | African drums roll into Busy Bees

Little drummer boy Bruno Machinda. Photo by Megan Fisher

Shepparton’s Busy Bees was a hive of entertainment on Friday, August 9.

The energy was buzzing at the childcare centre as African Drumming teacher Kofi Nortey arrived with a medley of drums to lead the budding percussionists in an African drumming incursion.

Hands at the ready, the Busy Bees explored traditional African rhythms by striking their own drums and following along to create pulsing beats.

News photographer Megan Fisher captured the little drummer boys and girls in action.

Children at Busy Bees explore the sonic landscape of African drumming. Photo by Megan Fisher
Toa Pahulu, Sasha Dickers and Eliza Grima strike a beat. Photo by Megan Fisher
African Drumming teacher Kofi Nortey leads the drumming. Photo by Megan Fisher
Korben Clark drums up beats and enthusiasm. Photo by Megan Fisher
The session is music to Molly Bull’s ears. Photo by Megan Fisher
The sound of laughter reverberated through the walls of the childcare centre. Photo by Megan Fisher
Delilah Lazarevski has a barrel of laughs. Photo by Megan Fisher
Harrison Mackrell makes friends and music. Photo by Megan Fisher