
Gallery | Sirius College Preps celebrate new milestone the old-fashioned way

Ahmad Aldulimi and Kiyan Yori are getting too old for this. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

There’s nothing quite like a bit of old-school fun.

The Prep students at Sirius College can attest to this, as they celebrated their 100th day of learning on Wednesday, August 7, dressed in their best old-timer attire.

Classrooms were awash with spectacles, canes and hair rollers, and News photographer Rechelle Zammit was present to capture the now older and wiser students.

Hair-rolling into school was Banin Alghazaly. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
The word on the oval was Hasnain Zayd and Noyan Hussain were experiencing some back pain. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Mousa Almusawi donned his best spectacles and braces for the celebration. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
One hundred days of school has turned Hasan Albattaat’s hair grey. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
Grey girl gang Yasmin Alzeyadi and Tuba Ansori, with teacher Bernedene Potgieter. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
You can’t tame the mane that’s grown overnight on Ibrahim Ehab. Photo by Rechelle Zammit
The Prep students at Sirius College had a good old time celebrating their 100th day of school. Photo by Rechelle Zammit