Clothes recycling saves planet

The GV Wardrobe owner Sam Sphinks is on a mission to encourage people to be kinder to our planet. Photo by Kelly Carmody

Fast fashion is cheap, disposable clothing that is produced rapidly by mass-market retailers to keep up with the latest trends. Put quite simply, the industry is designed to encourage customers to shop more often, which in turn means people are buying more than they really need.

But if people are buying more than they need and then disposing of clothing just as fast, it’s no wonder clothing waste has become one of the largest contributors to Australia’s waste problem.

The fashion industry is one of the highest polluting industries in the world, and responsible for an estimated 10 per cent of global CO2 emissions.

Staggering statistics show that in landfill, decomposing materials can take up to hundreds of years to break down, so it’s no wonder passionate owner of The GV Wardrobe, Sam Sphinks, is setting out to send a message to our region about being kinder to our planet.

“While these clothes decompose, they are releasing methane and micro-plastics into the soil and eventually into our water streams,” Sam said.

“We need to make changes on how we shop to become kinder to the planet, and recycling clothing can make a big difference.”

What started as a thought in Sam’s mind through the global pandemic in a vacant bedroom in her home, is now a full-time, online, ladies and men’s wardrobe.

A place where quality clothing can be recycled and purchased at a flat rate of just $10 per item, and yes, the shop outgrew the bedroom and now has its very own space in Shepparton that’s helping create a solution to the clothing waste problem.

“It’s as if everybody’s wardrobe has been brought together in the one place,” Sam said.

“The concept is being embraced and making people aware that we all can shop differently, save money, and help create a more circular economy.”

Buy. Contribute. Repeat — that’s the concept.

Browse the beautiful online store and purchase your items.

They will arrive in your mailbox lovingly and sustainably packaged, ready for you to wear and love, and when you are done with an item whether it is a day, month or year later, you can contribute it back to the wardrobe and they will give you a $2 coupon for each item as a thank you.

Then you repeat the cycle. You can spend your coupon, continue to contribute and to buy great condition items, and to be a part of The GV Wardrobe community.

“At the same time, it brings together a community who want to enjoy fashion while lessening the impact on the planet,” Sam said.

“It’s changing the way people shop.”

To become a part of this clever initiative all you have to do is visit and start shopping.

Also look out for when the shop opens its doors to the public on occasions, because you can browse and try on what may be become, your next favourite outfit.