No seeds of doubt about chia

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Photo by Anna Martianova

Having sprouted all over social media, chia seeds are trending yet again. But are they really a health hack or just hype?

It’s official: Chia seeds have earned the title ‘superfood’.

They’ve survived the fads (yes kale, I’m looking at you) and battled through the doubt of sceptics to prove they’re nutrient-rich powerhouses and they’re here to stay.

We spoke to nutritionist Diana Miranda to find out exactly why we should sow and reap the rewards of chia seeds.

For the faint-hearted

Cross my heart, chia seeds support cardiovascular health. And if you don’t believe me, believe the expert. Diana says the omega-3 fatty acid content in chia seeds, particularly alpha-linolenic acid, plays a significant role in promoting heart health. The seeds reduce cholesterol levels and can even alleviate inflammation.

Turn your stomach

Chia seeds have been proven to make wellness (and your food) more digestible. Diana says they work as an outstanding source of dietary fibre, help prevent constipation, and their soluble fibre content contributes to the gradual digestion of carbohydrates, resulting in stabilised blood sugar levels and reducing the likelihood of sudden spikes.

Not bad to the bone

There’ll be no bone to pick with chia seeds. They provide a rich array of crucial minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which play a pivotal role in preventing bone-related issues and disease. “An especially important consideration as we grow older,” Diana says.

H2O my goodness!

Amid busy schedules and life itself, the recommended eight glasses of water a day is the first to go. Luckily, chia seeds have the power to soak up water, helping you stay hydrated and maintain a balanced level of electrolytes. Diana recommends putting chia seeds in water. Just don’t add too much, chia seeds soak up liquid and create a gel-like texture.