Fruit fly control starts at home

Goulburn Murray Valley Fruit Fly Program field officer Peter Perry is spreading the No Flies On Us message.

Regional gardeners, property owners and orchardists battling fruit fly and wanting to know more about control options are being encouraged to contact the Goulburn Murray Valley Fruit Fly Program.

Community members with a fruit fly problem will be put in touch with the program’s fruit fly field officer, Peter Perry, and provided a range of information and resources to take steps to control fruit fly on their property.

“We find most people are prepared to do the right thing and take steps to protect themselves and neighbours from fruit fly, once they have an understanding of what they should be doing,” Mr Perry said.

“Our goal is to support community members to take steps to stop the spread of fruit fly through control and, more importantly, prevention measures — and we are able to visit a property to get an understanding of the situation to help us identify what can be done to get on top of things.

“Unfortunately there is no single action that will stop fruit fly — people need to carry out a range of different methods to have an impact.”

Mr Perry said there was focus on citrus at this time of year, with loquats beginning to ripen in the next month.

“At the moment it’s the fruit on the ground or left on the tree that is the problem, so we’re reminding people that they still need to clear unwanted fruit regardless of what time of the year it is.

“If we’re able to stop the number of fruit fly that are able to survive winter, then this will have an impact on next season by decreasing fruit fly populations.”

Orchardists are also being reminded of the importance of dealing with fallen and second fruit as part of their pest management strategies.

Fruit fly populations peak in the warmer months, however fruit fly are able to survive winter by taking refuge in warmer patches in the environment such as the foliage of evergreen trees and around structures.

“Our advice to all gardeners, growers and property owners is that action is required all year round,” Mr Perry said.

“Rather than wait until you have a fruit fly problem, we encourage people to take a few simple steps to prevent fruit fly becoming a problem in the first place.”

For more information on fruit fly control, visit:

Community members can contact the program via email at or by phoning 5871 9222 for support in their management of fruit fly.

The program takes in the local government areas of Campaspe, Moira, Greater Shepparton, Strathbogie and Berrigan.