
Country Health Care empowering seniors

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Empower: Country Health Care is a sanctuary for seniors seeking active, comfortable and independent lives. Photo by coldsnowstorm

As Australia’s population ages, the needs of our senior citizens are rapidly evolving. Health concerns make maintaining an active and independent lifestyle a struggle.

That’s where Country Health Care, a business owned by Rod and Jennifer Blundell, steps in.

Navigating open spaces and getting around safely is a major concern for many seniors.

“You might not realise what we offer until you’re in need,” Mr Blundell said.

Country Health Care offers a wide range of mobility scooters and wheelchairs.

These aren’t your average mobility aids; they’re adjustable to different heights and weights, promising a comfortable and dependable way to get around.

But it’s not just about wheelchairs and scooters.

For those who need less help with mobility, walking sticks and full-wheel walkers are also available.

Far from generic, these products are customised for maximum usefulness.

Quality sleep and relaxation are equally crucial for seniors.

The beds and recliners from Country Health Care are designed with the unique physical requirements of older adults in mind, offering the necessary comfort and back support for a good night’s sleep.

But the Blundells understand that the little things often make the biggest difference.

Easy-to-use can openers and one-button jar openers simplify the routine activities of daily life, making them more manageable.

So what should you do?

“Drop in occasionally,” Mr Blundell said.

Don’t wait until the need is pressing; explore what Country Health Care offers today.