
He’s not dreamin’

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Photo by Kelly Carmody

For Michael Knowles, his man cave is like a shrine to the joys of sport. To be precise, AFL, and in particular the Geelong Football Club.

However, nestled within the walls of Nolzy’s cave, you’ll find a written code of conduct that adds character and humour to the space.

The man cave rules. Nolzy’s rules.

The man’s chair is sacred ground, the remote firmly under his control, and man is always right.

Chick flicks and small fluffy dogs are banned, yet scratching and burping are tolerated and encouraged.

But a deeper truth infuses this space beyond the rules and playful banter.

It’s a timeless hub for the age-old tradition of bonding over a beer.

It’s where camaraderie thrives, footy and friends merge, and it is also a space where Nolzy can unwind and enjoy his passions without judgement.

“It all started back when I was in the army, and most of my army mates had man caves,” Nolzy said.

“They were spaces where we could all unwind from the worries of the world.

“And not make a mess inside anyone’s house.

“It was bloke time and every house I have lived in since has had one.”

When Nolzy and his wife Bree found their forever home in Shepparton, the idea of a man cave once again began to take shape.

But this time, this man cave was set to be a carport renovation.

“My Dad and I completely gutted it,” he said.

“We had to put trusses in, insulation, a new roof, a false wall over the existing roller door, wall panelling and we did some rendering.

“And I spent about two weeks putting putty over all the holes from all the nails in the walls.

“It was a big job, but it was worth it.”

The most significant feature of this man cave is the bar. It’s solid. It’s the only one in Australia. It’s been Nolzy’s pride and joy for around 20 years, and it took four people to get it in.

“It’s huge, but it adds character,” he said.

“And it’s in that corner to stay.”

While Nolzy’s man cave is unique in its own right, it’s a symbol of something else — it’s a reminder that amidst the hustle and bustle of life, finding a place to call your own can be a source of comfort and contentment.

“It’s my down time,” Nolzy said.

“Whether I am out here entertaining, brewing liquor, smoking meat or watching the footy or a fishing show - I am out here all-year-round and I love it.

“It’s definitely not the wife’s cave, it’s mine.”

As lively banter, flowing beers and home made bourbon continue, alongside hearty chuckles and cheers for the Cats and other sports, Nolzy recommended every man have a similar space.

“Stop dreaming and start doing it,” he said.

“Start small and keep collecting.

“It doesn’t have to be flashy, just a space that you are happy in.

“Putty and paint — happy days.”

This story originally appeared in Don. You can find the full publication at

Photo by Kelly Carmody
Photo by Kelly Carmody
Photo by Kelly Carmody
Photo by Kelly Carmody
Photo by Kelly Carmody
Photo by Kelly Carmody
Photo by Kelly Carmody
Photo by Kelly Carmody
Photo by Kelly Carmody