Forming strong bonds to achieve goals

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Students participated in the Koorie Day Out earlier this year.
Koorie Day Out was merged with the Careers Day Out for the first time this year.
Lincoln Atkinson at the Ganbina awards night last year.

Greater Shepparton Secondary College’s Ngarri Ngarri team of Koorie Educators work to support First Nations students to meaningfully engage in education, be strong in their culture and feel connected and supported to aspire to great things.

But as the saying goes, ‘it takes a village’, and that certainly rings true when it comes to education.

Together with families and community, the Ngarri Ngarri team has forged strong partnerships with external organisations including Ganbina, Rumbalara and GOTAFE.

The team works closely with these partners to improve outcomes for GSSC’s young people and help them have the best future possible.

Year 12 student Lincoln Atkinson has been involved with Ganbina for the majority of his schooling and said the organisation had supported his academic aspirations and helped build his cultural knowledge.

“I'm really grateful for the support I have received from them, whether it be financial support or participation in the leadership program,” Lincoln said.

Ganbina’s work is to empower Aboriginal kids to achieve their full potential and through its youth leadership program, Year 11 student Kirralai Boney has also benefitted.

“I’ve enjoyed the guest speakers and mentors we’ve been able to meet and hear from at the leadership camps.

“It’s good to listen to other people’s life experiences and overall, the program has helped me to open up a lot more and build my confidence,” Kirralai said.

At GOTAFE, the Koorie Unit has been set up to empower Aboriginal students and community in their journey through education and training, to a culturally safe pathway to success.

Year 11 student Siona Atkinson-Solomon is currently undertaking a Certificate III in Make-up with TAFE and hopes to pursue the career post-secondary school.

“I’ve received a lot of support from the GOTAFE Koorie Unit,” Siona said.

They’re always checking in on how we are and if we need anything, and it’s great to know we can reach out if needed.”

“They are always there for us and work hard to empower us to want to be the best we can be.”

Through Rumbalara Co-Operative, supported by Hear Start, Year 11 student Cody Fairless is undertaking a School-based Apprenticeship and Traineeship at the Elder’s Facility.

Working to create a strong and thriving community where health, wellbeing, family, culture, community and connection are at the heart of everything they do, Rumbalara is supporting Cody’s aspirations to work in the health and social work field, while she finishes her VCE.

“I’ve loved the experience so far — Rumbalara have been really supportive and encouraged me to take the lead on coordinating an activities program, which has been a good challenge,” Cody said.

“It’s a privilege to be able to listen to the stories of the Elders and work with a range of different people.”

Read more about these students experiences on the GSSC website: