Bushfire threatening homes, lives in Perth

People in the path of a bushfire in Perth's southern suburbs have been told to leave immediately. -AAP Image

An bushfire is threatening lives and homes in Perth, with residents warned to leave now or seek shelter.

The blaze in Port Kennedy started on Thursday near the intersection of Bakewell Drive and Paxton Way.

A bushfire emergency warning is in place for people in an area bound by Bakewell Drive, Ennis Avenue, San Sebastian Boulevard and Port Kennedy Drive.

Commercial and residential properties are under threat from fire.

Residents have been warned they are in danger and need to act immediately to survive the fire.

"There is a threat to lives and homes," the Western Australian Department of Fire and Emergency Services warning said.

People in the path of the fire have been told to evacuate immediately if it is safe to do so.

Those who cannot do so should close all the doors and windows at their property and find shelter in the premises away from the fire front. 

A number of roads have been closed, including Bakewell Drive, between Port Kennedy Drive and Warnbro Sound Avenue, and Port Kennedy Drive between Bakewell Drive and Ennis Avenue.

Motorists have been told to avoid the area.