Distressed whale entangled in ropes circling harbour

Whale rescue operation on Sydney Harbour
Wildlife officers are trying to slow an entangled whale swimming erratically so it can be rescued. -PR Handout Image

A major operation is under way in Sydney Harbour to help a young whale tangled up in ropes.

Wildlife officers have placed large orange buoys or kegs on the whale, which is about half a kilometre off Bradley's Head, to slow it down and allow rescuers to keep track.

They are attempting to disentangle the distressed mammal, which has been going around in circles and making random directional changes.

"The entanglement is ropes and buoys attached to the tail of the whale," a spokesperson for rescue organisation ORRCA said in a video posted to Facebook.

The whale was first noticed by members of the public about 1pm on Thursday and reported to the ORRCA's hotline.