Federal police probe two-seat candidate

Polling booth information, at an AEC warehouse
Malcolm Heffernan nominated himself as a candidate for two different parties, in two states. -AAP Image

A federal election candidate has been referred to the Australian Federal Police after nominating himself for two different political parties and seats. 

Malcolm Heffernan, who is listed as a financial advisor, is now under investigation after using two different birthdays and two names to declare himself as a candidate for the election. 

The two nominations were for Pauline Hanson's One Nation in the NSW seat of Banks, and the Australian Federation Party for the West Australian seat of Brand. 

In a statement, the Australian Electoral Commission said the nominations for two electoral divisions were in contravention of the Electoral Act.

"Given these declarations are false the AEC has now referred the matter to the Australian Federal Police for investigation as to whether a crime has been committed," the statement reads. 

"We have notified Mr Heffernan and both registered political parties regarding this referral."

Each nomination form had a signed declaration that the candidate did not intend to run as a candidate in any other election held the same day.

The contravention means that Mr Heffernan is incapable of being elected, but the candidate nominations for the two electorates must remain as they were formally declared last week. 

Ballot papers have been printed, and some voters have already received their postal voting packs.