NSW survivors can access court safe rooms

NSW Attorney General Mark Speakman
More NSW domestic violence victims will be able to give evidence to a court from a 'safe room' . -AAP Image

Domestic violence and sexual assault survivors in NSW now have access to another 45 safe rooms attached to courts where they can give evidence without fear or intimidation.

Attorney-General Mark Speakman said the safe rooms, where they can prepare for court, and the remote witness rooms, where they can give evidence via video, are aimed at reducing "unfair shame (and) unfair stigma" for victim-survivors.

"Women's safety is top priority for this government," he told reporters on Monday.

"It means having the infrastructure in place for those who are making complaints about domestic violence and sexual assault to give their evidence in the least traumatic way possible".

"Instead of being in the courtroom potentially facing a perpetrator, (vulnerable witnesses) can give their evidence remotely."

The $9 million installation and upgrades of rooms were part of a stimulus COVID-19 package from the previous federal government.

Reported incidents of domestic and family violence have more than doubled in NSW over the past 10 years, with the spike attributed to a change in the way authorities respond to the crime.

A report by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) released in June revealed domestic and family violence incidents recorded by the police in the decade up to 2021 increased by 110 per cent.

The incidents typically involved threats, intimidation and verbal abuse.

Mr Speakman warned though that less than 10 per cent of sexual assault complaints make their way through the courts because of victims fearing their testimonies will not be accepted.

A pilot was also underway with domestic violence frontline services setting up shop in five police command stations.

In total, there are now 154 remote witness rooms at 100 locations as well as 84 safe rooms at 77 court locations across the state

The latest initiative comes as NSW parliament's upper house considers government legislation outlawing coercive control in intimate partner relationships.

Coercive control involves patterns of behaviour that deny autonomy and independence to those it targets, and can involve things like control over finances, communication and contact.

Those charged could end up in jail if it's proven they repeatedly and continuously engaged in abusive behaviour involving violence, threats and intimidation, or coercion or control of the other person.

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