Premier to pocket $500,000 as MPs handed 3.5pc pay bump

Parliament of Victoria
Victoria's MPs are getting a 3.5 per cent salary increase. -AAP Image

Premier Jacinta Allan will take home nearly half a million dollars after Victorian MPs were awarded a 3.5 per cent pay bump.

The Victorian leader can pocket up to $498,031 in 2024/25, up from $481,190 last financial year, under a decision by the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal to increase MP salaries on Monday.

The premier's package includes an expense allowance of $62,597.

Jacinta Allan Premier will be paid nearly $500,000 after the independent tribunal's decision. (Diego Fedele/AAP PHOTOS)

Deputy Premier Ben Carroll can earn up to $423,944, while MPs on the back bench will take home $205,798 in salary.

Opposition Leader John Pesutto can bank up to $397,192.

The 3.5 per cent salary increase mirrors the determination made in 2023.

The latest decision said stakeholders proposed MPs salaries and allowances be reduced, frozen or increased by three per cent to account for the state's financial position and wages policy.

"The tribunal also noted the Fair Work Commission's 2024 decision to increase the national minimum wage and modern award minimum wages by 3.75 per cent and recent remuneration adjustments for members of parliament in other Australian jurisdictions, which ranged from no change in New South Wales to a four per cent increase for Queensland MPs," it read.

The tribunal was established in 2019 after the state government introduced legislation preventing politicians from setting their own salaries and allowances.