SA Greens to back free hospital parking

Royal Adelaide Hospital
The SA Greens want to extend free parking provisions to hospital workers. -AAP Image

Legislation to continue free parking for hospital workers will be introduced into the South Australian parliament next month.

Greens MP Robert Simms will seek to amend government legislation already before the house that prevents large shopping centres charging retail workers for parking.

The Greens want to extend the same provisions to hospital workers, including cleaners, orderlies, nurses and clerical staff.

Mr Simms said the COVID-19 pandemic and a tough flu season had taken their toll on hospital workers and the government was struggling with retention and recruitment. 

"Victoria and NSW have provided thank you bonus payments to their workers, while in SA the government has dumped their free car parking and public transport," he said.

"The Greens amendment would prevent public hospitals from slugging their workers with car parking fees.

"It's a small gesture but one way of recognising the essential service of these workers."

Free parking and free public transport was introduced for hospital workers as the coronavirus pandemic emerged.

But it came to and when the government lifted the state's emergency management declaration earlier this year.

The issue prompted a strike last week by hospital workers with unions claiming the move could cost some up to $1300 a year at a time when cost of living pressures were soaring.

The government has maintained its position that the special measures were always meant to come to an end.

It said any provision for free parking should be considered as part of future enterprise agreement negotiations.