
16 locals get jobs in McDonald’s hiring blitz

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Locals employed: 16 local people have been hired across Echuca and Deniliquin McDonald’s. Photo by Simon Bingham

Sixteen people have been hired to work at Echuca and Deniliquin McDonald’s restaurants, following the one-day hiring blitz on Saturday, May 28.

Echuca McDonald’s licensee Scott Moller hired five people on the day and another five people during the week of the blitz.

Mr Moller explained that they are excited to see the new crew members settle into the team and their new role.

“The group we have hired is varied in ages and level of work experience which suits the team that we already have,” he said.

Deniliquin has also achieved positive results, hiring six new crew members.

Restaurant manager for Deniliquin McDonald’s Kahli Reeves said that she is incredibly pleased with the enthusiastic candidates that have been hired to work at their restaurant.

“Our restaurant is a smaller McDonald’s so hiring six people is a seven percent increase to our current staffing,” Ms Reeves said.

“Four of these new employees have already started and two will be starting later on in the week.”

All new crew members at McDonald’s have an orientation shift whereby they undertake a tour of the restaurant, an online induction and are provided with a uniform.

After their first shift, the crew member will then start at their station of choice with a supervisor shadowing them.

If you’re worried that you’ve missed the boat - it’s still not too late. Get into contact with Echuca McDonald’s staff at 5480 2442 or Deniliquin McDonald’s staff at 5881 7344.