
$20k goal set for Sleepout

Vanessa McKay, Par Fogarty, Nathalie Prentice and Tamara Sefton at the 2019 Sleepout. Photo by Olivia Duffey

Registrations are still being taken for this years NSW Vinnies Community Sleepout in Deniliquin, taking place on Thursday, August 18.

After two years of virtual sleepouts, the event will return to its usual physical form, in what event organiser Tamara Sefton is hoping will be the biggest year yet.

“We are really hoping to see quite a lot of people this year embracing the fact that we’re back to a physical event,” said Ms Sefton.

“I’d love to see 50 people or more take part in the sleepout.”

The Vinnies team has set Deni’s fundraising goal at $20,000, which Ms Sefton believes they will be able to hit.

“We’ve recieved a lot of pledges of people signing up and from businesses in particular,” she said.

“The most we’ve raised in previous years is $19,000, which is pretty close to our goal, but we are aiming for a new record this year.”

Ms Sefton said now is more important than ever to support the cause.

“Deni and surrounding areas are in the midst of a rental crisis,” she said.

“More and more people are becoming displaced and housing availability is becoming harder.

“The perspective of what homelessness is has changed and it has become apparent that it can happen to any of us.”

In Deniliquin, 40 applicants are currently listed for social housing.

Ms Sefton said Vinnies will also be having a soup kitchen at the kiosk on Cressy St on August 4, if anyone would like to grab a bowl of soup for a gold coin and have a chat.

“Our Vinnies op shop is always happy to take donations of good quality second hand clothing and if people would like to be involved in a way other than actually sleeping on the night you are more than welcome to come down to have a chat,” said Ms Sefton.

“We are hoping to have some busker style music and a pop up Vinnies op shop for people to purchase some warm clothes - it should be a great night.”

The sleepout will take place from 6pm, August 18 on Cressy St.

You can register to take part by going to